

文 / 孫大偉 David Sun



很有幸在一個生命河基金會的講座中認識了溫教授。 由於當時正在負責教會建堂募款事工,因此私下與溫教授談了幾次。 我一開始就發現溫教授的溝通模式非常特別;他知識豐富,教導時帶著自信和權柄,卻又妙語連珠加詼諧逗趣。若是當年在商學院財經課程有如此的教授, 我就不致於屢屢在課堂上打瞌睡了。


當時溫教授提醒了我,募款過程的重點不單是收奉獻,更重要的是藉此機會幫助弟兄姊妹明白財務自由和參與拓展神國的真理。 之後我們邀請了溫教授和冠冕事工Annie姐妹前來教會和小組授課,在兩年前也完成了新堂的工程。 真是感謝神親自的帶領!


溫教授很像小說中的武林一代宗師。真正的高手不需經常吹噓自己或貶低他人,而是謙卑優雅的教導及分享自己所學所聞。 焦點不需要在他自己身上,因為他的功夫是傳達國度的需要及神給祂子民的使命。人人都想要達到財務自由,而很可惜我們華人基督教界失去了這個課題上的一代宗師! 盼望神興起更多弟兄姊妹來繼續將這個重要的教導傳遞下去。


I was first introduced to Dr. Wen at a River of Life Foundation function. At the time I was responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts for the new sanctuary project at our church, so I had several follow up private conversations with him. Right away I noticed that Dr. Wen always spoke with the unique combination of knowledge, confidence, authority and lots of humor. If I had finance professors like Dr. Wen when I was at business school, I wouldn't have fallen asleep during lectures so much.


Dr. Wen reminded us that collecting offerings should not be the focus of a fundraising campaign, but we should instead take the opportunity to educate the congregation about financial freedom and expansion of God’s Kingdom. We truly thank God for sending Dr. Wen and Annie from Crown Financial Ministry to conduct seminar and classes at our church and cell group, and our expansion project was completed two years ago.


Dr. Wen reminds me of the Kung Fu masters in Chinese novels. Given his distinguished academic and professional achievements, he had every right to brag about who he is and what he knows; instead, he just gracefully and humbly passed his knowledge and experience onto others without making the audience feel dumb. The spotlight was not on himself, but rather on the Kingdom of God and the role of His people. Everyone desires financial freedom, but we unfortunately have lost a master in this field among Chinese Christians. May God raise up more brothers and sisters to continue delivering this important teaching to many more!






