Women in Kingdom Businesses

By Dr. Jay Zinn


In the Apostle Paul’s second missionary journey, he came across a women’s prayer meeting in Philippi, just outside the city gate to the river. One of the worshipers, Lydia, responded openly to Paul’s message. She was a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira. She invited Paul and his team to stay at her house and used her resources to help him for the sake of the gospel. In what way would your life identify with Lydia?

Lydia came as an adult to Christ, whereas I came as a child from a Christian family. However, we both use our business training and resources for the kingdom. I have often invited ministers and their teams to my home and my ministries. I enjoy using the gift of hospitality as did Lydia.

A business woman in America is challenged by similar hurdles as men. But what, in your mind, is the difference between a man starting a business, and a woman starting a business?

It is equally difficult to start a business for both men and women. However, women have certain advantages. Women tend to have better networks and to have emotional and spiritual support from friends. It is easier for them to ask for help. Women also have more family responsibility especially at a young age. It is extremely important for women to maintain a balanced life for the good of her family as well as for her business.

As an experienced business woman in America and China, do you see any difference in the two cultures for women in business?

The Chinese business women tend to be overly business-focused and perfectionist-oriented because the Chinese business culture is so competitive and unforgiving. Both cultures have worldly business practices, therefore Christian business people at sometime in their lives will have to take a stand for the kingdom. If you set up a kingdom business it is easier because your practice and reputation will shield you from some of the world’s way.

The title of this article is “Women in Kingdom Businesses.” First, what does that say to you and, second, do you see your business as a ministry to assist in advancing the kingdom of God, his values, and his gospel?

To me, there is no such thing as separating lives into the categories of secular and spiritual. To me, women in kingdom businesses are women who respond to the kingdom calling and commit themselves to a vocation that impacts lives and situations to expand the kingdom. I definitely see that my business is a ministry. Its purpose is not only to advance his value and the good news, it is also to reclaim the world to his purpose and his kingdom. To do so is important to have the vision of bringing his kingdom into the world because it enlightens your understanding and behavior.

How does that play out in a practical sense, to be a kingdom business?

A kingdom business brings Christ’s value and ways into every aspect and interaction of the business. These kingdom behaviors create a better and more efficient business, which deals with clients in a fair and just way. It makes better leaders – ones of integrity, compassion and vision. It creates a more enjoyable life for everyone in the business. For example, interactions are based on valuing the gifts of others and creating a business structure that is people friendly. In following Christ’s principles we become vessels of his values and graces for others.

What distinctions are there between a kingdom business in America, and a kingdom business in China?

Each has its own non-Christian and non-kingdom problems to deal with. Some can be similar such as bribery, but there can be more pressure to accept the worldly behaviors in China. For both, it is important to understand the reality of spiritual attack as a kingdom business. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit enables us to deal with such attack through the gifts of Spirit.

Did you feel a particular calling to utilize business as a means to advance the gospel, or did it come to you in a succession of leadings in your heart, before you were aware of God’s purposes for your business?

For me, being a Christian means that we should live our everyday life as a Christian in everything we do. I truly believe that he has a great purpose and a wonderful plan for my life as for everyone. I can look back on my life and see how he has carried me to this point step by step, but along the way there have been certain special moments of clarification or leadings by the Lord. For instance, he not only led me to use my talents and gifts to become an expert in leadership and management training, but also there was a moment in China when he showed me the needs of the Chinese women and men. As I sat in a car at a traffic light with thousands of people crossing the intersection like ants, I sensed that he asked me to come and serve them.


What has been the most rewarding aspect of being a business woman as a Christian?

When you work in God’s kingdom daily, he opens the doors and challenges, which will lead you to become the best you can be. For instance, dealing with difficult people. The kingdom way teaches you how to truly value them and become an authentic servant leader. The more you become his vessel, the more he can bless you and others. This is a very joyful experience.

Since this isn’t like starting a business that functions as a church, what lessons have you learned along the way in this calling or ministry in relation to the secular world?

A kingdom business is not a non-profit organization as a church, and it has to meet all its legal qualifications and responsibilities. But it also cannot give in to or enable the evils of the world view just to keep peace or to make a profit. To make a profit to pay good and just wages and to give value for cost, all give glory to God and to his kingdom.

There are many women as Christians who are gifted entrepreneurs, but might be hesitant to pursue this calling due to the responsibilities of marriage, raising children, and activities in their churches. What advice would you offer them? Is there a time for all of this? Or should they wait until after the children are grown?

God’s work is in his timing. Women need to turn to the Lord in prayer and seek peace and discernment. A kingdom business is the easiest way. God is the leader and owner of the business. He is ready to help and guide you.

Any last thoughts you might have on this subject that is important to share with our readers?

God is not a God of limitation. It is his will for everyone to become the best they can be. For women, the best includes their talents, career, family and for some, marriage and children. Please read Proverbs 31:10-31. With God you can have it all. A personal and dynamic relationship with God is the basis for everyone’s life. One should try to really listen to the Lord’s will day by day. One should try not to be influenced by the world’s view or even overly influenced by other people’s ideas. “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).



Dr. Jay Zinn lives in the college town of Davidson, NC where he pastors River’s Edge Church. He is also a freelance, published artist and the author of the novel The Unveiling. For more information you may visit his websites at www.jayzinn.com and www.jayzinnart.com


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